This is the World America Made

I am probably not going to make any friends on either side with this post. The world is in bad shape and it is the United States fault. The more we interfere in other sovereign nations internal affairs the more we cause problems, (Star trek fans should get this it’s the Prime Directive) no matterContinue reading “This is the World America Made”

What do We Need a National Government for in the Twenty-First Century?

According to the Teabaggers, not much beyond national security, trade deals, interfering in women’s reproductive rights, and imposing their own form of “Sharia Law” (Evangelical Christian Doctrine). Most everything else is seen as interfering with free markets and imposing unnecessary taxes. They seem determined to reduce the size of the federal government as much asContinue reading “What do We Need a National Government for in the Twenty-First Century?”

Non-Christian Foundations of Our Country

The next time you hear from some fundamentalist Christian talking about how the United States of America was founded by a group of church-going Christians, as the fundamentalists’ claim they are, think about this. The United States of America was founded on the principles of freedom, by a group of men who were a longContinue reading “Non-Christian Foundations of Our Country”

Republicans: Pro-Life or Pro-Death?

For as long as I can remember, the Republican Party has been the party that champions its stance on morality and being “pro-life”. Their undying love for the unborn is something that is mentioned at every convention and rally that conservatives have. The ironic part about conservatives claiming to be “pro-life” is that recent commentsContinue reading “Republicans: Pro-Life or Pro-Death?”

Republican Evangelicals are the Christian Taliban: part 1

America is being held hostage by a conservative movement that behaves much more as a bizarre religious cult, than a legitimate political entity. It is perhaps the most dangerous cult to have ever held sway over a major nation-state in modern times. A cult that functions and behaves exactly like the fundamentalist Muslims they claimContinue reading “Republican Evangelicals are the Christian Taliban: part 1”

Entitlement is NOT a Dirty Word

We keep hearing people responding to the OWS movement with comments like, “Go get a job,” but that is not the problem many of the protestors do have jobs and some even have well-paying jobs. All they want is for people to have access to the American Dream. I get so tired of hearing peopleContinue reading “Entitlement is NOT a Dirty Word”

The TRUTH About Occupy Wall Street

The Occupy Wall Street Movement is just the beginning of a much larger movement away from the corrupt ways of doing business that this country and particularly the Republican party has embraced for so long. It’s a movement that is growing by the minute. Millions of Americans across the nation have decided that now isContinue reading “The TRUTH About Occupy Wall Street”

Do Republicans really hate America?

During the 2008 election we had to hear ad-nauseum from Sarah Palin about who the “real” Americans were. “Real” Americans we were told live in the Mid West and work on farms, and the “stay at home” moms take their kids to sports events, like good little housewives. Hopefully, we all know that this wasContinue reading “Do Republicans really hate America?”

New Deal

History repeats itself and as an example I wish to share this with my readers. In July 1932 then governor soon to be President Franklin D. Roosevelt made a speech to the Democratic National Committee proposing a “New Deal” to the American people. Roosevelt’s most famous and effective program during his presidency was the NewContinue reading “New Deal”

Socialism is Not a Dirty Word

I was talking recently with an old friend who I haven’t talked with in several years. He’s no intellectual but I have always trusted his judgment but recently he has, like so many others, been taken in by the rhetoric of the Republican party. I will never understand how so many hard-working Americans have beenContinue reading “Socialism is Not a Dirty Word”