Laziness Leads to Lack of Posts

I haven’t posted in two weeks. I have been busy, well that is the excuse anyway, the truth is I have been lazy. I had a topic picked out but just haven’t done the research like I should have. I try not to post things I can not back up with facts, so until I get the research done I am not able to post on that topic. As I said it is my own fault for not pushing myself to do the work. A lot of things are more fun than research and it is a big temptation to put it off until the fun stuff is all done, but we all know that never happens. I promise I will do the research this weekend and I will write the post next week. The subject is: greed, capitalism, and Christianity. I know that this post will cause a lot of people to question my thoughts on capitalism but I intend to address that the next week. I will explain my thoughts on how socialism and capitalism should both be used together to create, not a perfect, but a better system than the one we have now.

Published by waymonddh

Waymond D. Horton believes environment should be the first consideration not the last; that all people should be treated equally; that education should depend upon ability not wealth; that health care should respond to need not bank balance; that the gap between rich and poor should be reduced not widened; that the public should own essential services and infrastructure; that law and dispute resolution should be the basis of treatment of citizens, and of relationships between citizens of all countries; that it is better to treat causes than symptoms, to prevent rather than cure, in health, social or environmental matters.

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