Christianity and Capitalism

I have been thinking about the state of the world and the lack of attention to the sin of greed. All the great religions teach us to avoid greed. In the Ten Commandments of Moses, the tenth Commandment reads “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor hisContinue reading “Christianity and Capitalism”

Welcoming the Stranger

The religion of fundamentalists and extremists is about power. It’s not about what they believe – it’s about how they’re right. It’s not about how they run their lives, but how they run yours. It’s not about submission to God, but dominion of man. It becomes a sort of identity movement not dissimilar to racistContinue reading “Welcoming the Stranger”

The Bible as a Guide Not the “Literal” Words of God

The Bible is a collection of a great many separate documents written by different people in different languages over thousands of years. I believe the Bible is a wonderful and obviously divinely inspired book, but the operative word here is “inspired.” The Bible was written by men, not God. The Bible was never meant toContinue reading “The Bible as a Guide Not the “Literal” Words of God”

A Liberal Christian Perspective on Gay Marriage

This is the first of several articles where I am going to try to focus more on religion and less on politics, but we’ll see how that goes. Christians are good at a lot of things; Dressing up on Sunday, Quoting scripture, Pot luck meals, praying for church members, Weddings, Funerals, Worship, But perhaps theContinue reading “A Liberal Christian Perspective on Gay Marriage”